Sunday, July 1, 2007



Every country it seems has within their myths and legends some reference to far distant times when colossal men of incredible size and strength had once walked the earth. Myths are history in disguise and lead us to the youth of the world, where the sky is nearer to the heavens, men to gods, time to eternity. The memory of the mind has long since forgotten but the memory of the blood still preserves the ancient dark wild magic and awe from the mystical age of Titans.
Modern man is content to shrug off such eras of history as the stuff of fairy-tales, yet mounting evidence continues to prove otherwise. There is no longer any enigma that dinosaurs existed, for we have their bones, flesh and footprints but what of giant humans? Let us first go back to the earliest of times when giants were believed to be the true sons of the gods arising from the mist-shrouded chaos.

With planet earth spinning out eons of time over billions of years and a seemingly endless variety of living species, many of which have come and gone, where does history truly begin? In London Texas for instance in 1934 a small round shaft of wood was found protruding out of a boulder of solid rock. The rock was split open in 1947 to reveal a metal hammer head on the other end of the shaft of wood. The age of stone is measured in its smallest time segments of 50,000 years. How many years would you imagine it would take for solid Ordivician rock to form around a hammer? Which further leads to the question, how many entire eras of civilizations have been wiped clean on the slate of mankind’s history from numerous past catastrophes?

Whenever the beginnings of human history fade into the gathering darkness, the great former age of our Atlantean pre-history creeps in to haunt us again. The legend of Atlantis seems to stand only for the final symbolic memory of a lost culture, the closing curtain of a bygone golden age. Many facts indicate that these early civilizations were not at all beginnings; instead they where the remnants of perhaps even higher lost civilizations. In light of the accumulated knowledge of Atlantis today it would be fair to say that its destruction also marked the end of the age of the giant races for the most part.

The highly accomplished German scientist Otto Muck, has unraveled a good portion of the mystery concerning the destruction of Atlantis. According to his research of the catastrophe, the earth had at that time been hit by an asteroid in the area of the Sargasso Sea. The asteroid had actually split in half before striking earth causing a double impact. The craters left from that impact are still clearly visible on the ocean floor and can now be viewed from NASA satellites. At the time of Mucks investigation he surveyed the entire area by scuba diving around the impact site. Much of the meteor shower following the asteroids struck the land areas of the Carolinas which left a crater field also clearly visible now through the use of NASA satellites.

Muck went on to explain that these asteroids contained many thousand of millions of tons of nickel still concentrated in that area of impact. This would account for the unusual havoc played on instrument gauge panels on boats, ships and planes to which the Bermuda Triangle is notorious. Many researchers have speculated upon the date of the destruction of Atlantis ranging anywhere from ten to twelve thousand years ago. Otto Muck was not satisfied with guessing and speculation, so in his research for the exact time he depended primarily upon the accuracy of the Mayan calendar. He pin points the exact moment of the end of Atlantis at 20:00 hours local time on June 5, 8498 B.C.E.

The Norse Eddas are a kind of Germanic Atlantis document: That is to say, an account of the site of the 'holy island' in the amber region in the Bronze age; of its destruction in a world-wide conflagration and flood, and its reemergence at a later time. In the realm of the Norse gods known as Asgard stood the mjot vithr, the 'measuring tree' also known as the 'ash-Yggdrasil'. This tree is a symbol of the center pole of heaven according to the Eddas. Æsir; derives from the word as meaning center-post, or the island of the heaven-pillar. A number of European fairy-tales relate to the world ash such as Cinderella, which translates to 'child of the ash'. In the tale of Jack and the beanstalk he must climb the stalk or world tree to reach the land of the giants.

In the territory of the giant Atlas, which is Atlantis, being one of its rulers and the son of the Titan god Poseidon, he has the Hesperides, from the isle of the blest, guard the golden apples. In the Norse pantheon the goddess Idun guards the golden apples in her chest of ash which the gods must taste whenever they grow old, to remain young. The Norse Eddas preserved accurate memories of Atlantean times referred to as the 'Age of Gold'. In the Gylfaginning it is told how after Ragnarok (the end times) the Æsir sit down together and hold speech with one another and call to mind their secret wisdom and speak of those happenings which have been before... Then they find in the grass those golden chess pieces which the Æsir had had. According to the Eddas, the Æsir remember their secret wisdom; the word for 'secret wisdom' to the Norse is runar, which also means 'runes'. The god Wotan is known to have given his left moon eye into the well of Mimir to learn the secret wisdom from the giant Mimir. Mimir was the wisest giant in the world and keeper of the ancient sacred knowledge.

In Atlantis the ten ruler kings wore blue mantles. Wotan in Asgard also was known to wear the symbolic blue heaven mantle as well as did the god Apollo who was known to have blue tinged hair and born among the Hyperboreans of the north. The entire Teutonic creation cosmology starts off with the giants. These were the primal giants of the earliest ice age, the 'UR-HOMINES' who's offspring would then give birth to Wotan and his brothers Vili and Ve. Later, when the giants became a threatening menace to the gods of Asgard they in turn became staunch enemies. Wotan’s son Thor was known among many other names as, 'The Giant Killer'. Essentially the giant is a symbol of dissatisfaction in that he either aims at dethroning the gods or destroying the work of man. The hero’s deed is to restore the equilibrium that had been upset by the giants overturning of the universal order.

"Godlike men, andres theioi, the higher leaders of the Athenian republic, correspond to "Suns Of God", the ten Kings of Atlantis. In one case we have the "seed" of father Okeanos; in the other, of Mother-Earth, Gaea; but in both cases god appointed guardians of men, Phylakes, a special breed of men, not only politically, but also physically. They stood above all, these "godlike men" these "men-gods" follows that they were wise men and prophets."

"There dwelt in your land (before the deluge) the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived", says the Sais priest to Salon, "of whom you are and your whole city are but a seed or remnant." In all Euro Western mythology and legend reference to Atlantis and the early age of giants are many. Equally as important is the Atlantean heritage that remains from the Mayan culture, the Minoan and early Egyptian who themselves are offshoots of the Atlantean empire.

It is important to note that two Egyptian papyri were examined by Heinrich Schliemann at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg which contained the following Atlantis information: "Pharaoh sent out an expedition to the west in search of traces of Atlantis from whence, 3350 years before the ancestors of the Egyptians arrived carrying with themselves all of the wisdom of their native land."

Heinrich Schliemann, well known for his discovery of the long lost city of Troy and Mycenae also found artifacts from Atlantis which bore the inscription; "of Cronos of Atlantis" Cronos was known as the father of Zeus.
"There were giants in the earth in those days”
...............Genesis VI, 4

Pope Gregory ordered classical literature destroyed, "Lest it distract the faithful from contemplation of heaven". The bible however could not ignore certain pre-historic realities which gave some of its own story legitimacy. This included the existence of ancient human giants. In various segments of the bible one can find passages such as:

"And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”
.............Numbers XIII 33

And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born of the giant.
................2 Samuel XXI 20

So many distant epochs of man on earth may forever be lost in time. The epochs known to the Atlanteans were, The Polarian, Hyperborean, Lemurian and Atlantean which leads into the Aryan epoch. The original early races of Atlantis were very tall in stature ranging from ten to twelve and sometimes fifteen feet in height. These were certainly giants by todays standard height. The Anglo-Saxon word, Etin, still found in Scottish legend, is the same as Jotunn, the Scandinavian form, and both can be philologically equated with Titan.

" Children of the Heavens and the Earth, Titans crowned with glory, fathers of our fathers remote, who live in dark Tartarus, Ye are the springs of life and sources of all suffering creatures.”
.............Ancient Orphic Prayer

The tall Aurignacian tribe of the Atlanteans was later succeeded by the Azilians who invaded Europe at widely different periods. The Aurignacian giant race was physiologically far superior to any human type existing, during that era of history. But in time they were replaced by the Azilians, a tall but much smaller people. The Azilians were a fore runner of the later Iberian race, Iberians were a smaller race than the Azilians but normal by our standards and physically well developed. Iberians were a branch of the Aryan tribes with jet black hair and were believed to be the founders of early Druidism. They mixed their race into a good portion of the Celts, Egyptians, Spanish and various coastal tribes along their shipping and trading routes down the west coast of Europe and on to the Mediterranean and North Africa. The bulk of their people became the Minoans of Crete. The mix of Celt and Iberian are commonly referred to today as the "Black Irish".

"Up on high the Father of men and gods thundered ominously, and down below, Poseidon caused the wide world and the lofty mountain-tops to quake…
such was the turmoil as the battle of gods began."
............Homer, The Iliad Book XX

As mythology has it, Poseidon, is a derivative name of Potei-Don, which means "Lord of the Water". In earlier times he was known as the ("Earth Shaker Potei-Don") was the all high Titan god of Atlantis. He bore three Titan sons, Atlas, Albion and Iberius. Atlas became god of Atlantis, Albion, god in the area of what is now Britain, and Iberius, god of Ireland.
With the sinking of Atlantis, Atlas, likewise became the subject of myth. As English historical legend has it, the land of Albion remained inhabited by giants. The younger son of Anthenor of Troy, Brutus, engaged in battle with the giant Albion; Accompanied by a party of Trojan exiles under the leadership of a champion fighter called Corineus. Brutus landed at what is now the port of Southampton. Hearing of the invasion, Albion raised a power of fellow giants and encountered Brutus. A bloody battle was fought wherein the Trojans were worsted and many of them slain, and their army forced to retire.

Brutus did not give up easily. During the night a long deep trench was dug and lines of sharp stakes were driven into its floor. The giants were then challenged to a second battle. This time the Trojans emerged victorious and the remaining giants fled to Cornwall, hotly pursued by Brutus's men. At this point Brutus decided it would be a wise idea to divide the island in two as this would facilitate control of the race of giants, keeping the remainder of Albion under his rule and renaming it Britain.

In a subsequent bloody battle Albion was slain by Brutus while his brother Gogmagog, the mightiest of the giants in Britain, was killed by the warrior Corineus who hurled the monster over a cliff. This cliff was henceforth known as Lan-Goemagog or the giants leap. The name Alba, is a Celtic derivative of Albion from which Scotland takes her name Albany.
Behind the prophetic works of the visionary artist and poet William Blake, "Albion", stands not only for Britain but for perfection of humanity itself. That age of Titans when ancient man contained in his mighty limbs all things in Heaven and earth; The children of Albion, he explains in his Descriptive Catalogue, were once archetypal figures of the 'golden age'.
The tallest living man known to enter Rome in its day was in the time of Claudius Caesar. His name was Gabbaras, brought by the emperor from Arabia. He was nine feet nine inches high. It is important to realize that the giants are quite different all together from the early Titans, who were the original generation of the gods, the semi divine 'UR-Homines'.
In California and Arizona skeletons of giants twelve feet tall, having six toes have been unearthed. In his excavations in Moravia the archaeologist Burkhaltar found stone tools more than ten feet long weighing three to four hundred pounds. Evidence showed that they were tools that had been used!

Ancient Crete was an offshoot of the Atlantean empire in pre-historic times. Some believe Atlantis existed closer to the north-west African regions and the regions of Spain close to the pillars of Herakles. The nearby mountains in Morocco were believed by the ancients to be named after Atlas. An electrifying find was made in Agadir in Morocco where the French captain La Fanechere discovered a complete arsenal of hunting weapons including 500 double-edged axes weighing 18 pounds or twenty times as heavy for you and me. It has been estimated that to handle the axe one would have hands of equal to a giant with a height of at least 13 feet. La Fanechere may have discovered the implements of the giants in or near Atlantean regions.

Doubting minds continue to remain as closed today as they were in the Middle Ages even when solid evidence is presented before them. Witness then this finding of a giant found buried with his armor. The discovery was reported by Hugh Hodson of Thorneway in Cumberland. "The said giant was buried 4 yards deep in the ground which is now a cornfield. He was 4 yards and a half long and in complete armor: his sword and battle-axe lying by him. His sword was two spans broad, and more than 2 yards long. The head of his battle-axe was a yard long, and the shaft of it -all of iron, as thick as a man’s thighs, and more than 2 yards long." "His teeth were 6 inches long and 2 inches broad; his forehead was more than 2 spans and a half broad. His chin bone could contain 3 pecks of oatmeal. His armor, sword and battle-axe are at Mr. Sands, of Redington and at Mr. Wybers at St. Bee's."

The above was quoted from Jeffersons History of Antiquities of Allerdale above Derwent, and stated to be taken from the Machel Mss. (Carlisle), Vol. VI.
In our own modern times we occasionally hear of an incident where a human reaches the height of eight or nine feet but again such cases are uncommon. The biological gene that produces humans of giant stature is an anomaly which is all but extinct. Let us then back up a few centuries when the world was vast and not yet fully explored and giant sightings more prevalent.

While Magellan's fleet was lying in port in San Julian in June 1520 a gigantic native appeared on the beach near the ships. "This man", says Pigefetta, a companion of Magellan, "Was so tall that our heads scarcely came up to his waist and his voice was like that of a bull." The smallest of this particular native was far taller and bulkier than any of Magellan and his men. By a stratagem they managed to put two of the natives in irons intending to take them back to Europe. Both died before crossing the line.

Anthony Knyvet, who accompanied Cavendish in his disastrous second voyage and traversed the strait in April 1592, speaks of having seen Pantagonian natives 14 to 16 spans (i.e. 10 to 12 feet) in height. Sebald de Weert, who visited the strait in 1598, speaks of the natives as being 10 or 11 feet high; and Joris Spilbergen, on April 3,1615, saw "A man of extraordinary tall stature "watching his ships from the south side of the eastern entrance.

In Lampock Rancho in California in 1833 some soldiers discovered during excavations a skeleton 3.65 meters long and surrounded by worked shells, heavy axes of stone and boulders covered in unintelligible writing; and a similar one was on the island of Santa Maria near Los Angeles.
In July 1887 Ronald Charles Calais says, "Four men looking for precious metals in Spring Valley near Eureka, Nevada, noticed an odd object projecting from a rock. The object was a human leg bone, broken off neatly above the knee. After getting rid of the quartzite around the leg it was taken to Eureka where doctors examined it carefully. The leg was undoubtedly that of a man .but what a man! From the knee to the heel it measured 99 centimeters’, which meant that the man must have had a height of 3.65 meters!

"For always heretofore the gods appear manifest amongst us, when so ever we offer glorious hecatombs, and they feast by our side, sitting at the same board, yea, and even if a wayfarer going all alone has met with them, they use no disguise, since we are near of kin to them, even as the Cyclopes and the wild tribes of Giants.
................Homers Odyssey Book VII

The eminent writer Homer, in his epic tomes, "The Iliad and the Odyssey brings to life a vivid world of gods, giants and immortal heroes. He also presented to the world of literature the most memorial giant of all the Cyclopes "Polyphemus", the human eating one eyed wine guzzling scourge of the Greeks. This awesome character ultimately becomes out smarted and overcome by the crafty Ulysses. From this story in the Odyssey one gets the impression that Polyphemus is a holdover from a once flourishing Cyclopean breed of giants from far distant times. What also becomes self evident in the research of the Cyclops mythos is that two classes of this giant seems to have existed. The early Cyclopes appear semi divine and far superior to man, the later species are characterized as uncivilized and slow witted shepherds which seems to follow with all in general.

Cyclipsia, which is characterized by the presence of a single eye, placed in the forehead, is extremely rare today. It is either an epicerebral eye, somehow connected with the purietal organ stunted in modern man, or it is a pathological case. As a deformity it consists of the movement of both eyes toward the bridge of the nose, where they blend into a single eye.
The story of Titanmachia, or divine war with the Titans, relates that Uranus the first ruler of the world, cast his sons, Briareus, Cottys and Gyes, the Hecatoncheives, or Hundredhanded, into Tartarus, along with the Cyclopes, "The creatures with round or circular eyes, "gigantic shepherds of Sicily. Both the Cro-Magnons and the Cyclopes, seem to have been the degenerate aborigines of Atlantis. The Cro-Magnon skull was large, the eye-orbits immense, and the whole physique powerful.

There is ample evidence available concerning the former existence of Cro-Magnon man but what of that strange exotic species we have come to know through mythology as the one-eyed Cyclops? The very fact that the one-eyed giants have remained a fixture for so long in Western Literature leaves a seed of thought as to their actual existence so long ago. The Cyclopes are at times known to have been helpers of man, performing large tasks beyond our capabilities such as moving and crafting huge stone for buildings and walls. These are still known today as Cyclopean stones. Such immense irregular stones so carefully formed and set continue to remain an enigma to the world.

The walls of Tiryns and Mycenae, were attributed by Greeks of the classical age to the Cyclopes because they seemed too difficult for mere human beings to have accomplished. Walls bearing identical similarities can be found in Peru, and in underwater stone constructions from a bygone age off the coast of Bimini. There are some tooled Cyclopean stones so incredibly large that the biggest crane in the world can not so much as budge them. Such are the three stones at Baalbek in Lebanon which the Romans once called Heliopolis, or "City of the Sun". Stood upright, these stones would each be as tall as a five story building, and each weighs anywhere from 600 to 800 tons! The mystery is only deepened by the presence of a fourth even larger stone, cut but then abandoned in a stone quarry. At almost 1,100 tons and seventy-two feet long, this gargantuan monolith is the largest piece of hewn rock on the face of the earth. To budge it an inch would have required an army of more than 16,000 workers all pulling in unison. We can not manipulate stones of such size today with our best modern equipment. How then did the ancient men do it?

One singular aspect about Titans and giants of ancient times that speaks out to us from the evidence left behind is that they were surely supermen of body and mind. They were founders of civilizations and great culture bearers, engineers and artisans. Did giants originate on this planet before or parallel to the dinosaur age, or could it be that perhaps they arrived here from a distant planet in the Pleiades which some legends suggest? Ask yourself this question, where, when or why does a species originate? Do they just pop up out of nowhere or migrate from planet to planet throughout the infinate galaxies? There must be a point of origin for all existing life but where? The further one looks back in time where we would be expect to find total primative societies, instead, we witness higher technology higher than can be imagined today by the best minds of our times.

Scientists estimate the earth to be 3.7 billion years old. W. Scott-Elliot, claimed in his book, "The Story Of Atlantis", published in the 1890's that Atlantis existed more than a million years ago at its origins. In 1960 in a coal mine in Italy human remains were found that date back 10 million years! Our own study of archaeology tells us clearly that histories have been wiped clean many, many times.

This old creaking earth is getting tired and battle weary with continuing assaults from comets, asteroids, meteorites, floods, earthquakes, ice ages, rising and sinking continents, continental shifts and axis shifts and yes, that destructive little parasite known as mankind. We smug rapacious humanoids in our frail existence and artificial consumer gadget world continue to ignore natures warnings always assuming that we know everything, and that we are the alpha and omega of all that is and ever can be. Somewhere, far off in infinite space, if you listen closely, you will hear the Titans laughing.

"People make mistakes in life through believing too much, but they have a dammed dull time if they believe too little."


Berlitz, Charles - The Mystery Of Atlantis
Bord, Janet & Colin - The Secret Country
Collins, Andrew - Gateway to Atlantis
Country, J. - Atlantis and the Seven Stars
Ebon, Martin - Atlantis the New Evidence
Georg, Eugen - The Adventures of Mankind
Gould, Rupert T. - Enigmas
Heindell, Max - Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception
Kolosimo, Peter - Not of This World
Larkin, David - Giants
Life-Time - Feats and Wisdom of the Ancients
Mereshkousky, Dimitri - Atlantis/Europe the Secret of the West
Muck, Otto - The Search of Atlantis
Spanuth, Jurgen - Atlantis of the North
Spence, Lewis - History of Atlantis
Trench, Brinsley Le Poer - Temple of the Stars

P.O. Box 422
Butte MT. 59703

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