Monday, July 9, 2007


By TA Walsh, Gothi, Holy Nation of Odin, Inc.

Political correctness. Were it not for the horrendous impact it is having of entire generations of Aryan people, political correctness would be a laughable exercise in social engineering. An absurdity hardly worthy of any intelligent persons attention, much less their consideration. Unfortunately, because it has persisted, by and large unchallenged by too many who have perceived it as a joke, or at worst a nuisance, it has evolved into an entity that, if left unchecked, threatens to steal the hearts and minds of our kind forever. It is for this reason I now suggest we begin using it to our advantage. Yes, to our advantage!
The fact of the matter is that, for those willing to put in the time and work, opportunities abound by which we could make political correctness our boon rather than our bane. The beauty of it is that, if exercise correctly (no pun intended), it would be an effort our detractors could do nothing but grudgingly accept, for to do different would make a lie of the very things they claim their cause to be about, like equality and acceptance for all.
We are told, for example, that is would be the right thing to do, despite the fact that not a single soul alive today was a participant on either side of the matter, to make financial reparations and to be apologetic to black citizens of the United States because of their ancestors endured slavery at the hands of what was, in truth, a small number of white settlers and businessmen.
To question the utter lack of logic in this, to point out the fact that tens of millions of white Americans today are descendants of European immigrants who did not arrive on these shores until after slavery was abolished (yet their tax dollars would still be “appropriated” to pay these reparations), is to be labeled a “bigot”, a “racist” or simply discompassionate.
So be it! I propose, my beloved Aryan Kin that we collectively file suit against every catholic diocese in the Nation, indeed against the Vatican itself, for the historical evidence that proves their Church systematically murdered, raped, enslaved, suppressed and eventually destroyed the nature-loving communities of the Pagan Indo-European peoples. Our Trú ancestors cannot be denied. While we could hardly put a dollar amount on the suffering our people endured as they were tortured, stripped of their homelands and forced to watch as the temples and groves of their chosen Gods and Goddesses were destroyed, that these things happened to our Pagan ancestors at the hands of the Church are indisputable, and reparations are in order. Likewise, while we can never undo the spiritual damage done to countless Indo-Europeans who were, quite literally, forced to accept an ideology that imposed upon them constant feelings of pointlessness, guilt and worthlessness for the instincts and urges nature blessed them with, perhaps we will find some solace in the formal apology and acknowledgement of what may very well be the greatest crime in the history of man.
Furthermore, we are told by the minions of political correctness that it is wrong to defame, deride or discriminate against someone simply because they look different or believe differently than we do. Here, here! Then let us put on notice every Christian church across the nation and across the globe who every Sunday (and every other time their particular denomination meets) spends a significant amount of time during their “services” defaming and deriding Pagan peoples as “sinners”, encouraging their congregations to view us as something less than human because we have not accepted the yoke as they, under the circumstances, such a deliberate singling out of an entire class of people for defamation and derision would be called “hate speech”, particularly when that class of people are such a district minority.
Which leads me to my final point, as Odinist’s we do and should, scoff at the acceptance of the mantle of “victim-hood”. To accept such would fly in the face of our most basic beliefs in Strength, Integrity, and Courage. We do not need the acceptance or affirmation of those unlike us, and on a personal level most of us couldn’t really care less about what others say about us. That said, if there are any true minorities in this world, we are it! While we may not care about nor need others regard for our chosen path, I see no reason we should not have it. Particularly in a society where we are constantly told that this kind of acceptance is so virtuous. Perhaps in demanding the application of the politically correct virtues where our folk and faith are concerned we will gain some measure of respect for out path thus unknown to most of the world’s Aryan population. Perhaps we will simply succeed in opening more eyes to the absurdity and imposition of political correctness. In either case I would consider it a victory and well worth the effort. May you all be imbued with the bold and beautiful spirits of our Gods, Goddesses and ancestors through us may they never die.

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