Monday, November 26, 2007


By Ron McVan

Ancient chronicles tell us that Alexander the Great himself
marked out the city boundaries of Alexandria in the year 332 BCE. Within a century, Alexandria burgeoned into the greatest Greek city of its time. Among the striking architecture and wide avenues lined with statues of the Aryan Greek Gods. Alexandria soon became home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Pharos, a gargantuan 400 foot lighthouse like no other of any era in our entire history. Above all else however, Alexandria was most famous as a nerve center of knowledge arts and science, and housed one of the most magnificent and important libraries in recorded history. This famed library of over a half million ancient scrolls, in addition contained priceless scriptures of gnostic Ariosophy dating back it was claimed, to Atlantean times. Scholars and priests from all over the world were said to have come to Alexandria to study the old papyri of the ancients. The library was deliberately destroyed by fire in 47 BCE, a tremendous loss to the western world.
The arcane Aryan knowledge that has survived the ravages of time has been coveted by a variety of secret societies, gnostic orders and religious sects in both the East and the West. Some of this mystic knowledge became woven into Teutonic and Celtic mythology, sagas, eddas, esoteric symbolism and runes. (runes are also called reginnkunnar, which means; "born of the Gods") Gnostic means knowledge but gnosis is a movement of original thought succeeding from an older aspiration of mankind. The roots of gnosism were born out of the far distant high civilizations of Atlantis and Hyperboria and nourished into our history by Greek philosophy and the sacred science of Egypt. More than anything else, it is an attitude toward life and things which, by its interpretation of the world, sets itself apart from other lines of religious thought.
The essence of Aryan gnostic wisdom over the millennia weaves through a whole plethora of gods and goddesses. Through it all, Wotan and the high divinities of the Asir and Vanir still remain consistant at the core of the Aryan psyche. As one makes a thorough study of Wotanism the reasons why become more evident. Symbolically Wotan represents the cosmic life force and eternal mirrored image of the primal spiritual powers and not restricted to any particular era in history. Wotan serves as both robust warrior god and spiritual guide, a symbol of strength, knowledge and folkish unity to all of Aryankind.
In the past, Wotan led the Teutonic tribes of Northern Europe to many victories even defeating the Roman legions. The last recorded visage of Wotan before an entire army was at the Battle of Bravallia between the Scandinavians and the Danes. The etymology of the word Teuton or Teutonic which are both derived from the base word teuta (pronounced tay-oo-tay). This compares precisely with the Egyptian scribe of the Gods, Tahuti, who was recognized as Thoth to the Greeks, also known as Hermes. Tahuti in Egyptian mythology and history is credited as the builder of the Great Gisa (Iesu) Pyramid. It has yet to be disproven that both Hermes and Wotan are not one and the same entity. The great pyramids of the Mayans fit the puzzle as well. The enlightened one who taught the Mayans the high technology to design and build their pyramids was recorded at that time as a god, with fair skin golden hair and blue eyes whom they called Quetzalcoatal as well as Votan.
During the middle ages a group known as the Knights Templar were regarded as somewhat of an armed guard of Ariosophy until their suppression in 1308 by the Christian church. Ariosophy is a word used to describe the spiritual wisdom of the Aryan race. At the turn of the 19th century many ariosophic groups came into great popularity throughout Europe in the effort to better understand the ancient Teutonic gnostic wisdom and ritual practice. There were, also, huge efforts made to revive new high temples of learning, a scholarly and esoteric priesthood of sorts evolved out of Germany known as the "Armanenschaft".
To the outside world Teutonic folklore and mythology was further enhanced by the contemporary influences of the composer Richard Wagner and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Both Wagner and Nietzsche functioned as virtual magi of their age, casting new light on the long-supressed Aryan folk consciousness and its glorious past. The writings of Arthur de Gobineau were also highly respected among pan-Aryan enthusiest's of the late 1800's.
As the 20th century began to unfold the undisputed 'high priest' of Wotanism and Ariosophy was a man by the name of
Guido Von List. Aside from the particulars of Guido's life, literary works and ideology, he is best known for his mastery of the Runes and profound grasp of Wotanism. List regarded himself as the last
of the long line of Armanist magi, who had formally wielded authority in the distant days of the Aryan Golden Age.

"At the time of the Golden Age, the Gods clothed in air
moved among men." ............................Hesiod

Second most to List was his good friend and fellow Teutonic scholar, Jorg Lanz Von Liebenfels, an exceptionaly bright and enthusistic adept of Teutonic Ariosophy. Lanz was also the founder of the gnostic and volkish publication "Ostara", which gained much acclaim among a wide circle of like-minded enthusiasts. Lanz purchased a medieval castle and formed his Ordo Novi Templi (ONT) with the intention of reviving the old Aryan gnostic orders. His headquarters in the castle became established in 1907. In 1915 Lanz coined the name "Ariosophy".
Names such as Karl Maria Wiligut, Rudolf Von Sebottendorf, Theodor Fritsch, Dietrich Eckhart, among others, played key roles in laying the essential foundations towards
a new Armanenschaft. Teutonic groups like the Thule Society founded by Eckhart gained additional support and following in distinguished folk-conscious circles in Germany.
The surviving myths and legends of Northern Europe that remain are not superstition or primitive imagery, but a profound exposition of esoteric gnostic wisdom that was handed down in its origin by the ancient Aryan Brotherhood that extends back to the Golden Age. The colorful pantheon of Wotanist gods, symbolism, runes and allegories continue to serve as ideal vehicles for a deeper understanding of gnostic Wotanist wisdom, specifically and systematically designed by our enlightened forefathers and spiritual elders.
A clear soul and an awakened Wotan consciousness, signifies the true Aryan essence. This is, and remains, the deepest wholeness of our race identity and never must we hinder the development of this experience without which, ultimately, we remain cut adrift from our ethnic roots. Our bodies and spirit pulse with emotions and abilities of our forefathers. The ethnic Gods of Asgard run deep within the DNA of our being. The Armanenschaft, was established as a means by which Aryans could unite in essence as a Brotherhood Of The Blood.
In the mythos of the Volk (folk) soul and spirit that is attained through Wotanism lies a new binding and shaping, a mystical synthesis; to serve it, is the duty of our Aryan people worthy of the name. A whole generation must develop the will and instinctive determination necessary to usher in the new age of the higher Aryan man. This will require a quickening of our Volk Consciousness to the necessary racial cohesion and unity which in turn will manifest the return of our common destiny as a people.
A primary aim of the Armanenschaft as well as in Wotanism is to preserve the volk society, ancient wisdom, indigenous religion and customs of the Aryan race, vitally interconnected with the history and mythos of its people. Foremost, our ethnic mythos is the framework, the vital structure upon which our uniqueness as a people can grow and develop. The word 'Armanen' means Heirs of the Sun-King and the priesthood is the priesthood of Wotan known as the 'Armanenschaft'.
To awaken the Wotan consciousness in our present life, means to recognize its highest value and under its guidence to allot other values their rightful and organic position as well, be it in nature, state, the arts, science or religion. The task of the new century ahead is to create a higher evolution of Aryankind. Exclusively this can be expressed around the highly significant and unifying acronym O.R.I.O.N. (Our Race Is Our Nation).
We must fully understand the glory and greatness
of our awakening (Aufbruch) when we carry within us
that deep and wide reflection; all that is great stands
in the storm.....
..........................Martin Heidegger
The present era of cultural and spiritual chaos is the by-product of centuries. Our duty today as a race is to view ourselves with the utmost clarity and acknowledge our highest values and ideals which serve to sustain our survival as a species. To fully accomplish this task it is incumbent upon us at all times and in all things to 'think with our blood' and preserve the vital Wotan consciousness that continues to remain our steadfast sacred rock of Ayan pride. Wotanism has stood the test of time and will continue to provede the necesssary unification of will and determination to meet lifes challanges for all of Aryankind both now and in the future.

Give me iron words forged in fire, That I may speak through
the soul of my people. Temper their body and heart, And let
loose the torrent storm of my will! Powers of aeons generate
within me, Snapping the rusted chains of alien creeds.
Hear now the eight-legged stride of my steed across the
heavens! I am the image of my kind writ large. My being
spans the breath of all thought and matter.
Through the light of my solar-eye, From an age undreamed
of, You have known me, Moon and stars I gather in my cloak
for you to gaze upon; My spear pierces the farthest corners
of lifes mystery. Like a ship I guide you. And though you may
wander, Do not abandon me! I am the source of all that you
are and ever can be!
I have given you knowledge, Spirit and an once of
divinity. Defile not your image, Lest your soul be cast to
the nether worlds. Above your cities and cooling rock of
mountains, The keen eyes of my ravens, Bear watchful
measure to your life and deeds.
From Asgard I gaze down upon you, Through many guises
I walk among you; You are the multitude of my single spirit
which I in turn give back to you.
Do not turn from the challenges, That I have laid before
you! Burst the illusion of all doubt and limitation! Shatter
the darkness of disillusion and despair! Sound the clarion
of a new and triumphant age! The eye of Wotan works
within you. Let my strong ones rise!
Like the mighty sacred oaks, Unleash the powers that I alone
have given you! Mirrored in Nature, Mirrored in Time, Mirrored
in the Mountains, Ocean, and Sky. Let the heroic life rhythm of
the divine Gods. Stir your noble blood!
Clutch the flaming sword of your divinity! Set up a light in
the darkness! The might of legends still flows in your
veins. Let my strong ones rise!!

"SONS OF ALBION" P.O. Box 422 Butte, MT. 59703

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