Monday, January 21, 2008

You Might Be a Zionist, by Dr. Casper Odinson Crowell

You Might Be a Zionist
By Dr. Casper Odinson Crowell
VFP / VFR Local #1488

This is a study in the perils of non-conducive and illegal immigration and the Third World mongrelization of Vinland (America). It is the threat of Utopia which we as a nation are faced with. While the existence of Utopia is the product of legend and fantasy, the threat which its advocates pose is very real and right now!

1. Utopia - A place of ideal perfection. Especially in laws, government and social conditions.
2. Utopia -- An impractical scheme for social improvement.
3. Utopia -- An imaginary island described in Sir Thomas More's "Utopia". (From Greek; 'ou = not, no +- topos.')
- Merriam Webster's Dictionary

As voters in Vinland (U.S.) prepare to go to the polls this year (2008 CE), three great concerns weigh upon the troubled minds of voters, more so than any others; War, Immigration and the troubled and floundering Economy. Wherefore the White Patriot / Nationalist voter is concerned, the former two concerns are of epic importance. For we fully comprehend that the troubled economy is further exasperated by the myriad of problems which accompany and are associated with both immigration and the war.

This is a fact which is not lost on the presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle who are vying for residency on Pennsylvania Avenue. Each one has declared, with strong language, that they will not yield their position, be it pro or con, regarding these sensitive subjects which have long since divided the American people and continues to wreak havoc on the emotions of Vinlanders (White Americans) from coast to coast.

More oft than not, volatile emotions have supplanted reason and logic wherefore the 'buzz' topics of immigration and war, are in regard.

Expressions of open hatred may be witnessed each night on the evening's World News, as insults are exchanged by bitter politicians, and protesters crowd the streets in what has been thus far loud, albeit benign campaigning for pro or con stances regarding immigration issues.

These protests hold the promise of escalation in the coming months leading up to the November elections, and they will inevitably culminate in some instances with extreme violence and perhaps even fatalities.

No matter what position one assumes regarding the immigration question, certain facts and truths remain inexorable which do not bode well if left unchecked. For the Egalitarian camp, comprised of Universalists whom espouse an across the board human equality position that the national borders should be eliminated and all immigration laws dissolved. That is their collective
position. That Amerika can be a model for Utopia. But Utopia is out of reach. In fact, it is a certain impossibility!

What is a glaring reality is that if the mongrelization of our nation's already melting pot racial make up, continues at its present rate, in addition to being burdened and exasperated via the vehicle of illegal and, or non conducive immigration. America, once so mighty, will assume its place in history, not as leader of the free world, as is popularly posited. But as leader of the new third world!

On October 28, 1886, then U.S. President Grover Cleveland, before the unsuspecting eyes of their time, had officially dedicated the monumental Statue of Liberty. The mega-monument was a gift from France to America created by French sculptor Frederíc Agusté Bartholdi (1834 - 1904) and was intended as a gift/gesture designed with the mission of cementing Franco-American friendship. Bartholdi's idea was that "Visitors" and conducive immigrants arriving from Europe to America would be greeted by the light of liberty as they rested their gaze upon the golden shores. Or so the official story goes. And it may all seem benign enough initially. But the crux of the intention of the Zionist power brokers resides within the language of Emma Lazarus' poem, "The New Colossus", which is engraved upon the pedestal of the statue. While the poem in its entirety is lengthy, it reads in part, with a familiarity to most of us:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breath free.
The wretched Refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

For those of you whom cry 'foul', at my assertion of Zionist complicity wherefore the "purse strings" are associated with the monument's erection in New York Harbor. I direct your attention to the background of the American poet and essayist, Emma Lazarus (1849 - 1887) who was born in New York City. She became outraged in the 1880's by the Russian pogroms and thereafter became an outspoken champion of Judaism. She composed a myriad of works including the book "Songs of a Semite" in 1882, which contains the very words engraved upon the Statue of Liberty's pedestal.

Is it mere coincidence the words of Ms. Lazarus' poem were scribed years prior to the statue's construction and import to America? Perhaps. Though, I venture that Zionist bankers in both France and the U.S. had indeed conspired to dupe the U.S. and French governments and U.S. citizens into accepting what had appeared to be a benign and genuine gesture of friendship in the guise of 'Red Herring' whose intended purpose was to ultimately bring about the demise of the new White-EuroFolk government and nation and replace it with a multicultural, melting pot society which will, without the benefit of a sovereign and Folk based Homeland of their own, ultimately assimilate into a mixed race culture/nation. This in turn creates a nation of consumers as people lose interest in where they hail from and instead, invest in who they can now become. A Zionist financed American Civil War and a couple of more fratricidal wars, set the stage to deplete European racial stock dramatically which in turn will be replaced by non- European races. A nation peopled with dumb cattle, or "Goyum" as the Jews regard us Gentiles, to do the Zionist's bidding in destruction and war around the world for their capitol gain campaigns, elicited by greed and the desire to become the true Master Race and ruler of all the earth's people, per their religious belief that they are God's chosen people and according to his promise to them, they shall rule over the rest of us Goyum! It is all there for you to see with your own eyes in the many volumes which comprise the Talmud. If it is, so truly difficult to believe in works such as this - then just research the Talmud's volumes at your local library, or on line. Once you peruse their vile content and their plans for us Gentiles, you will no longer be able to deny and dismiss the volumes which have been scribed by great minds over the millennia, whom have endeavored to warn us against this biblically and Zionist ordained war against we Gentiles!

The puzzles pieces become clearer and the plan to rob the Palestinians of their land and create a Zionist homeland, called Israel, begin to manifest themselves right off of the pages of “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”. These writings have been declared by the Zionists themselves as a fraud. But the consensus of Academia has postulated that while it is possible that the writings may be fraudulent, it is not probable. Their contents do indeed suggest that they are authentic. And as such, they warrant Western Man's vigilance.

Let us take a moment to consider a few realities as they exist. Shall we?

1) Millions of U.S. Tax dollars are paid to Israel annually by the U.S. government. (65 million dollars in 2007 CE alone). In other words, if you pay taxes, you are not paying for your own government's programs. You are paying for Israel's existence! Furthermore, you are paying for Israel's continued war against Palestine with your tax dollars, whether you want to or not. Every Palestinian man, woman and child that has been killed by Israel since 1948 (the year Israel was formed as a nation), has been killed with bombs, missiles and bullets bought and paid for by "YOU", the American tax paying citizen! Their blood is on your hands. If, for no other reason, than paying your taxes without holding your elected officials accountable for their actions on your behalf and in your name.
Sure, I can hear some of you now; "The Palestinians, Hammas, PLO, etc. are terrorists who hate America?" Well of course they do. Would we not hate Mexico if they paid 65 million dollars (or more) annually to Canada who waged war against us with that money? Every death that we would incur at their hands would ultimately be at the hands of Mexico, bought and paid for.
Come on! I implore you to consider this honestly for a moment; Devoid of your emotions. Let's say some other people came to America and renamed it, installed their government and declared "US" as illegals here now. It is the same thing. Palestine had belonged to the Arabs for millennia and then in 1948, the dispossessed Jews of Europe, with the muscle of America, took their land from them and renamed Palestine to Israel.
Now I am neither for Israel or Palestine, one way or the other. I am for Vinland (White America) and Vinland's prosperity and welfare. But our corrupt government needs to spend that 65 million dollars here at home. Not in Israel while making enemies of the world's Arab and Islamic states while we fight Israel's wars globally.

2) A Jew whom has fled justice in America for murder cannot and will not be returned from Israel to America. Because under Rabbinic Law Jews believe that only Jews can prosecute or imprison another Jew.

3) White slavery and trafficking is legal in Israel as long as the women are not Jews.

4) Jews must marry Jews in Israel. It is forbidden for a Jew to marry a non-Jew/Gentile/Goy.

These are just a few quick reference facts. But let's return to our own domestic troubles for the moment.

If immigrants desire the American way of life so badly, then why is it that they disregard it once here in lieu of importing their own former way of life and third world culture? This is always achieved one house, street block, neighborhood, community and city at a time!

Witness Miami, Florida. Once a thriving resort city by the sea, it has been reduced in large part, to a third world city right here in Vinland/America! Where, let's say, Mr. Martin's Soda Shop once stood, is now some Bodéga. Where Johnson's Hardware Store used to be, is now some Bodega. Where Smith's Market used to be, is now some Bodéga!

Prime Real Estate has been reduced to hovels and shanties. Meat is no longer purchased from Joe's Butcher Shop, or the local grocery store's meat department. It's killed and butchered in.Jorgés backyard and sold out of the trunk of Juan’s car. Welcome to imported Third World U.S.A. Brought to you courtesy of your Liberal and Neo-con politicians. Relax for a moment. Have a seat. There's room on your old discarded sofa right there in that front yard. Sure, those three illegals occupying it while holding those frosty cold bottles of beer in their hands, they'll make room for you, amigo. I can hear the Universalists and Multiculturalists all crying foul and bigot!

Well you know what, I'm crying foul!

In 1969, my family purchased a brand new home and moved into the new housing development in Southern California. We were the second family to move in to the neighborhood. It was upper class on the Orange County and Los Angeles County border. So new that it was in the middle of nothing. Where orange groves, and dairy land used to be. From the roof top, you could see all the way to L.A. in one direction and the beach in the other direction. The neighborhood was all white save for two non-white, albeit upper class families.

In 1990, I had gone back to my old neighborhood in search of old friends. But they had all left; been pushed out of the 'Now' all non-white neighborhood, which had once represented their idea of the American Dream. Consider the study of the city of Detroit, Michigan. This city was once the thriving automobile capitol of the world. It drew captains of industry, engineers of automobile genius and supported and sustained force community of hard working and law abiding citizens. Today Detroit is 88% black and the auto manufacturing industry is nearly gone. Exported for cheaper labor to foreign countries. The U.S. steel industry has suffered the same fate sadly. Entire neighborhoods in Detroit resemble bombed and burned out cities in war torn countries!

I once saw in a New York slum, a poor family who ate fiber supplements because they believed it would make a more solid fecal stool which they would dry out and burn in a makeshift wood burning stove/heater. They could not afford heating oil, coal, or fire wood. Right here, in Amerika! While we worry about foreign nations and their people instead of our own. Here's the twist; these were white folks living in squalor. A man and woman, and their two children. I believe both adults had at one time been school teachers.

Some people believe that if we were all just 'one race', one people united - This true brotherhood of man would bring peace and prosperity to every corner of the globe. This is of course, wishful and childlike thinking, in addition to being an impossible reality.

Let's assume for just a moment that all people did just mix all of our blood together. The obvious is that within five generations, we'd all look basically the same. "Great!" shouts the Universalists. But, what is not readily considered, though it should and must be, are the new strains of complex cancers, blood born viruses and diseases which would crop up almost overnight. Humanity would suffer pandemics as of yet unknown or imagined to the history of man!
What about cross breeding all animals until we arrive at having only one species of mutt dog the entire world over? How about one kind of mutt cat, fish, horse, bird, etc., etc. Just imagine the chaos of animal husbandry regarding both pets and livestock designated for consumption and production of dairy products. And then again, of course, there are a whole new plethora of diseases. All sorts and manner of drama would elapse. So of course, the Universalists would not want to see such a thing come to pass. But they wish to see this occur among mankind?!!!

Truly frightening to consider.

And since art is a mirror of any race's heritage and culture, what must our art and landscape assume the quality of? Nothing but plain shades of grays and brown!

The world's indigenous traditions which have passed from one generation to the next, for millennia, for every race of people, respectively, would cease to be. No more unique cultures and heritages, just one new culture of computers, video games, fast food and consumer wares. Nor would this new mucky muck of race accommodate world peace... We have fratricidal wars all over the world where people of the same race kill, torture and maim one another for any number of reasons. It occurs in this nation. In Barrios and ghettos only, some would levy. And they'd be wrong. It happens wherever there is greed, desire, envy, lust, hopelessness, etc.

Further more, when a people's technology becomes its very faith, no more need for weapons of mass destruction are required to destroy a nation. An electronic pulse devise just kills everything that people depends upon for life! Or don't you suppose we should consider such simple realities which have such wide reaching and damning results associated with them? What could possibly be the appeal, or allure to any reasonable person, about running headlong toward a one race, technocratic new world order?!!

History too shall then be re-written to reflect the lies that shall be the new truths. So then, what exactly is Utopia? It is the absence of reality albeit, the very real and severe threat to all of mankind. Made so by the ill-rationale of daydreaming supporters of such a fanciful notion. And even more dangerously so, financed by Jewish Imperialism and Supremacy otherwise known the world over as Zionism!

So many celebrated, great thinkers throughout history such as Cicero, Martin Luther, Muhammad, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, U.S. Grant, William T. Sherman, Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, Richard Wagner, H.G. Wells, Charles Lindburgh, Napoleon, Voltaire, Nietzsche, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon and so many others tried to warn the world against the evils of Zionism which are spelled out in the eighteen volumes of the Talmud, in many instances.

Even Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and celebrated Jewish thinkers scream out against the evils of Zionism! Don't you think that it is worth looking into for yourself? Employing reason and logic, not heated emotions and passion. For the Zionists have a master plan to be the master race while all the rest of us 'Goyum' (Gentiles) eagerly and willingly help them achieve their objective. The devices are greed and guilt. The illusion is that Utopia beckons to us. And the final result is the death of the White race and every other race.

Think about it. Are you so selfish that you care not what happens to your own descendants once you leave this world? If so, you might be a Zionist.

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